Msi Afterburner Custom Fan Curve Not Working Evga 1070

  1. Arezian

    Arezian New Extremity

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    Hi guys,

    I late had to reinstall MSI Afterburner and had to whole redo my setup from scratch. I did the custom fan curve just like I had it before and American Samoa you rear end see in the image beneath. Also the settings for hysteresis are very. It worked without problem earlier reinstalling, but now the hysteresis does'nt work. When the GPU tempreature goes above 45°C the fan rotates at 30% of easy lay RPM. According to my settings, the fan should attend 0% speed when the temperature reaches 40°C (<45°C - 4°C from hysteresis). Now the rooter stops spinning straight off at 44°C sol just when the actual temperature falls beneath the trigger temp. This causes my fan to start and stop constantly in small sentence intervals. Is on that point any setting I missed?



    Last edited: Nov 26, 2022
  2. Spirit1408

    Spirit1408 New Member

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    I have the same trouble. Have you find a solution yet?
  3. To me IT means your fan curve isn't tweaked sufficient. It's right the hairy butt against from needing to spin then turn off. I keep my lover on at 50% until GPU reaches 32c then shut it dispatch because I know my GPU at no load does not exceed 30c. Everyone's situation is different supported case cooling and ambient temp.
  4. That staircase of points are badly positioned IMO.

    What I would do is first roll in the hay with straight lines, curving rising to the perpendicular. when you have it good, double click on the graph to set those points to stairway mode.

    Note you can have adequate to 8 points.

  5. sfenson

    sfenson New Extremity

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    were you able to firmness this? same issue later kick upstairs
  6. Unwinder

    Unwinder Moderator Staff Member

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    Search to understand what is hysteresis and how it is supposed to work.
  7. sfenson

    sfenson New Appendage

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    i've searched and read every berth connected this subforum that contains word "hysteresis" and at that place was aught that would maneuver me to a solution
    in the scenario where hysteresis is needed downstairs 0 pwm duty cycle point in the custom fan curve.
    i realize the feature, it was already working for ME in this scenario a couple versions noncurrent, recently i upgraded AB and now information technology doesnt work as before.
    today i also did a blank install and reconfigured all the settings (which didn't service).

    can you at least allow for the unlikely hypothesis that it is not running in a same specific scenario ascribable a bug you have non encountered?
    especially when it was working before?
    i have "force fan race update on to each one period" enabled, and no more other software installed that would attempt to change gpu fan speed.
    also afterburner is clearly able to turn away the devotee at the desired point in the custom-built fan cut, if i change the 0 pwm point to a different temperature AB follows but without hysteresis.
    this was tested with 4.6.1 and 4.6.2b1 with step stepped and linear fan curves.

    i already was intellection about a workaround with autoswitching profiles betwixt 2d and 3d but custom buff kink is not protected as part of the profile.

  8. Unwinder

    Unwinder Moderator Staffer

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    I've said that it is lack of understanding of hysteresis and fan stop hold functionality. No need to involve me into "it is bug you've non encountered" discussion. Information technology is understanding bug and I have goose egg to add to information technology. The tie I provided above discusses hysteresis functionality in details.
  9. Unwinder

    Unwinder Moderator Stave Member

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    I had to wage attention to that financial statement, my speculative. Away forcing lover f number update on each period you're effectively killing any effect of hysteresis. Disable information technology.
  10. sfenson

    sfenson New Member

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    thanks for the lean against, now IT is stopping the fan at lower temperature.
    with the simplest 0db stepped fan curve with 1 step it is behaving always in the same correct way.
    BUT if i add more fan curve steps IT is inconsistent:


    hysteresis 5C, fan curve with 0% pwm duty cycle point at 45C and afterburner is stopping the fan at different temperatures, everyplace between 40-44C.

    can you change the code to add better handling for 0rpm mode hysteresis sol that in the example above
    it would always stop at 40C?

    you would just need to:
    1. find in your temporary worker-duty cycle lookup table the first indicator (temperature) for which the obligation cycle is greater than 0
    2. substract hysteresis from it
    3. in the code that changes the fan pep pill if the rising found pwm duty cycle is 0 only update when temperature is fewer than or equal to temperature calculated in stride 2.

    if you dont have the metre i am willing to do this myself if you beam me the relevant piece of cipher.

  11. Unwinder

    Unwinder Moderator Faculty Member

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    It is NOT unreconcilable, hysteresis is NOT a simple delta alike you think. And no, implementation cannot live changed the way you want because it is non running this room. Moreover I North Korean won't be able to provide you MSI AB encrypt, it is a double-dyed no fit.
    Earnestly, guys, I spend the second sidereal day FULLTIME answering questions from ASUS, EVGA and new brand card owners assuming that I'm here to explain anything on 24/7 agenda. I killed TWO days of my holidays on it instead of having a rest. I'm non flush MSI support employee, and furthermore non ASUS support to make ASUS GPU owners euphoric. I'm repentant but I'm through with with this question. Thread is enclosed.
  12. Washed-out a few hours to find this out, give thanks you. Looking backwards, it is quite obvious, that it should disable hysteresis, just May be it would be commonsensical to degree this out in tooltip many right smart, in hints section or something

    edit: sorry for necroposting

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Msi Afterburner Custom Fan Curve Not Working Evga 1070


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