Hot Winter Nights Jill Shalvis Free Download UPDATED

Hot Winter Nights Jill Shalvis Free Download

Title: Hot Winter Nights
Series: Heartbreaker Bay #half-dozen
Author: Jill Shalvis
Release date: September 25, 2018
Cliffhanger: No
HEA(view spoiler)[Yep (hide spoiler)]

Returning to the Heartbreaker Bay serial is like communicable up with old familiar friends, and again they did not disappoint. This was such a fun and entertaining comfort read! Jill Shalvis ever delivers the laughs and sexy romance that makes my heart go pitter patter. Hot Winter Nights was no exception. From page one, I had a huge grin

Championship: Hot Wintertime Nights
Series: Heartbreaker Bay #6
Author: Jill Shalvis
Release engagement: September 25, 2018
Cliffhanger: No
HEA(view spoiler)[Yep (hibernate spoiler)]

Returning to the Heartbreaker Bay series is like communicable up with old familiar friends, and over again they did not disappoint. This was such a fun and entertaining condolement read! Jill Shalvis ever delivers the laughs and sexy romance that makes my heart go pitter patter. Hot Winter Nights was no exception. From page i, I had a huge grin on my face up equally I slipped effortlessly into the story starring this lovable, tight-knit group of friends.

Molly and Lucas work together at Hunt Investigations, a security company that can take on some pretty dangerous cases. Molly is the office manager who keeps everyone organized, sitting on the sidelines while her brother and the rest of the guys work in the field. She hasn't been content in the part for some fourth dimension, only no one is willing to put her safety at hazard as a security specialist. She'south hungry to prove herself capable, but her pleas to take on a example repeatedly get shut down and ignored. It doesn't aid that her brother Joe yet can't let go of his guilt and overprotectiveness towards her. If y'all read his story, About That Kiss, y'all're familiar with the painful events in the siblings' pasts. What they survived made them both stronger and closer as a outcome, but they still had wounds that hadn't completely healed.

Molly lived through a traumatic experience as a teen that left her with physical and emotional scars. She doesn't let it control her life though, she works hard to keep her body as strong as possible, and chooses to focus on her strengths rather than her weaknesses. For the nigh part. She has her insecurities just like any woman does. And when you take people look at y'all with pity or revulsion, you tend to close in on yourself and lock your vulnerabilities away. She's every bit the tough, intelligent, unflappable woman that throws sass back but as hard every bit she receives it. And then in that location'southward that other side of her that she doesn't allow anyone to run across. It's where she hides her own regret over ancient history, and the hurt over the pain it nonetheless causes.

Lucas has been fighting a secret attraction for his partner Joe'south sister for some fourth dimension. Pursuing that attraction was Style out of the realm of possibility for more than one reason. Mixing business and pleasure, Joe's almost certain disapproval, and his ain human relationship hangups was enough to kill temptation stone dead. Then he wakes up with Molly next to him in bed with no memory of the night earlier. Cue the panic. Tin can I but say that I wanted to give her the highest of fives for messing with his caput over it? With her pride smarting over his reaction to their "ane dark stand up" she of course decides she must at to the lowest degree go some laughs out of the whole thing. It was so funny to see him then uncomfortable and out of sorts over his supposed loss of cocky-restraint.

An opportunity comes up for Molly to prove her case solving abilities, and she grabs it with both hands. Lucas reluctantly partners with her later being given orders to continue an eye on her. Anybody knows she'll investigate whether she has approval or not, and so he becomes her designated back up. I thing I loved was that he had faith in her pretty much from the beginning. He saw how much it meant to her, and never fails to stand for her and be her champion at work.

He knew people sometimes saw Molly as a frail piffling flower, merely in his mind she wasn't fragile similar a flower at all. Non even shut. She was fragile like . . . a bomb.

The Santa mystery added a bit of a suspense element in with the romance, but information technology was a actually fluffy ane with low intensity. If anything, the Bad Santa and his elderly, cheeky elves provided actress entertainment value. The Santa suspect had ties to the Mafia, simply it was a little hard to take him seriously if I'm being honest. Picture an elderly, pervy guy dressed in the ruby and white suit, putting the moves on Molly while she's dressed up in a tight elf outfit. There were games of money laundering BINGO, and covert snooping missions in offices. Don't go me wrong, in that location were some bad characters involved in some very real criminal activity. They were putting their lives on the line together. Just Jill Shalvis never lets an opportunity go by for a skilful laugh through all of their investigations.

When they're near caught outside the office, and he pushes her up on a railing to kiss her and create a reason for existence in that location:

Lucas turned back to Molly, who was still balanced on the railing, mazed. "Did y'all just . . . put the elf on the shelf?" she asked. He gave a disbelieving head shake.

Not simply did Lucas stand upwardly for her abilities with the guys at piece of work, he also supported her as she went undercover and didn't attempt to take control. He put his trust in her and showed her that he knew she could handle each claiming. Even with her physical handicap. Though he was against getting romantically involved with her early on on, it didn't take very long for him to starting time opening his heed to the possibility of more.

In that moment, Lucas knew he'd do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, wherever she wanted. Because in spite of his determination to hold back from the smartest, nigh resilient, almost resourceful, nearly incredible woman he'd always been with, he was in. All in.

On the other mitt, Molly was jump and determined to conceal her torso insecurities, and the story of her injury. She didn't want to define their feelings, or create labels in any mode. At that place was ane instance where she said he was less than a ane-night stand which I thought was unnecessarily hurtful. It was 100% untrue. They'd slept together numerous times, and deeper feelings were involved beyond chemical science. She was firmly set in denial manner. I wanted to shake her for saying that to him at that point in the book! I got that she needed more time to let her walls downwards, simply I wanted her to start reciprocating the trust he had put in her. It didn't frustrate me too desperately, merely it did bother me.

Her trust issue was a fifteen-foot-thick brick wall around her eye, and not much penetrated.

I dearest that family and friends play a large part in Shalvis' novels. It gives you that warm sense of community and esprit with the secondary characters that draws yous into all of their lives as. Every time I finish, I'thou always immediately anticipating a different couple finding their own HEA. Overall, I loved spending more time in Heartbreaker Bay. If you're looking for a funny and light holiday romance that's low on malaise, this one is definitely for you!


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